Justice Court FAQ

Town Clerk FAQ

How long does it take to have the suspension lifted?

You must pay the fine/surcharge and the mandatory lift fee if the license is already suspended, and then the court will lift the suspension immediately. The court will notify the Department of Motor Vehicles.

What if my license has been suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles?

  • If you have been suspended for failure to appear; This means you have to enter a plea to the ticket. You should contact the court for the best way to proceed.
  • If you have been suspended for failure to pay: This means you have failed to pay the fine/surcharge amount that was assessed by the court. You should contact the court for the exact amount that is owed after the suspension is in effect.

The suspension paper sent to you by the Department of Motor Vehicles should be returned with your pleas or payment so the court may sign it and send it back to you for your proof that the suspension has been lifted.

What if I cannot make a court appearance for my traffic ticket?

You should make a written request to the court for an adjournment no less than one week prior to your appearance date.

Where can I get information on starting or defending a Small Claims action?

The court can provide you with a booklet entitled “A Guide to Small Claims Court” which can be picked up during normal court hours.

Can I resolve a traffic ticket over the phone?

No. Pleas cannot be taken over the phone.

How can I get a ticket dismissed for an equipment violation that has been corrected?

The charge will be dismissed if proof is presented to the court that the defect was corrected prior to ½ hour after sunset on the first full business day after the issuance of the summons.

How can I schedule a wedding?

Town Judges in New York State may perform civil wedding ceremonies. To schedule a wedding with either Judge Carroll or Judge Gunther, call 845-794-0611 ext. 30.

How can I start an eviction proceeding?

The court has informational booklets with sample forms that can be picked up during normal court hours. In addition, do-it-yourself forms can be found at the NY court page here. See forms under Housing for Landlords – Outside NYC.


How do I know if I need an attorney?

If you are unsure of the charges, or how to proceed, then may need to consult an attorney. However, this is an individual decision.

Why do I have to pay a surcharge on my traffic ticket?

The surcharge is a mandatory fee imposed by the State of New York that must be paid on every ticket.

I am getting married in New York – how can I get a marriage license?

Marriage licenses are available during normal business hours or by appointment with the Town Clerk. For more information visit: http://www.health.ny.gov/publications/4210/

I need a copy of my last year’s tax bill or receipt of payment

Go to www.taxlookup.net and you will be able to get a copy of your tax bill, a receipt for payment for this year and/or prior years.

I need to get tax information on water and sewer rates.

The Town of Forestburgh has NO municipal water and/or sewer districts. All wells and septic systems are individually or privately owned.

I want pay my taxes/fishing license/dog license/e-z pass with a credit card, can you do it?

Yes, the Town of Forestburgh gladly accepts Visa/Mastercard for all transactions.

I want to burn some brush/have a bonfire – is it permitted – do I need a burning permit?

No, you do not need a burning permit. The State of New York did away with burning permits a few years ago. Visit the DEC’s website for information on burning and campfires:  http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/32064.html

We just got a new puppy, how do I license him?

Print out the license form by clicking here – fill it out and mail it with proof of spay/neuter and proof of rabies along with the fee and mail it or bring it to the Town Clerk’s office.