The Town Supervisor prepares the annual budget, and monitors it throughout the year, to be sure there is no over expenditures. He also oversees all appointed committee’s and prepares the Agenda’s for Town Board meetings, over which he presides.

“I believe in open government, and encourage the public to participate in every aspect of our towns function. There are many opportunities to get involved, and if you wish to serve on a committee, or volunteer for a program, Please contact me.”

The Town Hall # is 845-794-0611, ex 102, or my cell # is 845-796-8601 or e mail at

Dan Hogue Jr.

The Supervisor is responsible for the following:

  • Chief Executive Officer: “Shall be responsible for the proper administration of Town affairs.” (Town Law Section 52)
  • Chief Fiscal Officer: “Custodian of Town money and disburses them within the limits of the annual budget”
  • Responsible for preparing tentative annual budget to be presented to the Town Board” (Town Law Section 52)
  • Chair and voting member of the Town Board: “Keep the Town Board informed generally concerning town affairs and the financial condition and future needs of the Town and make such recommendations as may seem desirable.” (Town Law Section 52)

Representative of the Town of Forestburgh to:

  • County of Sullivan Legislature
  • State of New York Federal Government
  • Any other time the Town of Forestburgh may need official representation
Name Title Phone
Wendy Wells Confidential Secretary (845) 794-0611 x102
Daniel S. Hogue, Jr. Town Supervisor (845) 794 0611 x102